It turned out that a spam page appeared on the net every 3 seconds

We have released antivirus software for corporations and antispam productsSophosAccording to it, spam related pages are appearing every 3 seconds on the net. Contamination by spam does not seem to know where to stay.

Details are as below.
New spam-related webpage found almost every three seconds, Sophos reports

About 23,300 pages of spam pages are created everyday, and it is said that spam related pages are appearing at a rate of one page in roughly 3 seconds. Links are inserted in these pages, it seems that the purpose is to avoid inexpert filtering, to let inadvertent users click, and infect various kinds of things to PC.

Carole Theriault, Senior Security Consultant at Sophos, commented, "Spammers will continue as long as spammers continue to profit from these uncomfortable tricks."

A lot of spam mails including links to these spam pages are overflowing on the net, and 92.3% of the mails sent in the first 3 months of 2008 have links to these dangerous pages It is said that it was spam mail including.

The spam filter is now mandatory ...

in Note, Posted by darkhorse