"Gag Manga Days" For the third animation, we are looking for a line of calling voice

Masuda KosukeButJump square"Gag Manga Days" in the series will be animated for the third time from this spring. So in celebration of the start of the voiced delivery, we are looking for speech for speech by Gag Manga Days.

Details are as below.
Gag Manga Days 3 | Kids Station Futonto

The application deadline is March 15 (Saturday). In celebration of the start of delivery of the calling voice, we are recruiting the words of the Gag Manga Daily Looking Character. It seems that there is a possibility that Prince Shotoku 's "Flying Regency Poseidon", Saraba's curse against Basho, Usami's strange idea, etc. may become a calling voice.

Please see the link for details of application requirements.

Present | Kids Station

"Masuda Kosuke Theater Gag Manga Days" has been broadcasted in 2005 for the 1st period, 2006 in the 2nd period, but is it that the third animation was so popular?

in Note,   Manga,   Anime, Posted by logc_nt