At first glance a beautiful skyscraper, but underground was a terrible construction

It is a photograph that it was supposed to be ridiculous under the influence of extreme compression and cost cutting of construction period due to construction rush, thinking that it was apparently a beautiful skyscraper.

If you think that the underground of the house where you live is in such a state, it will be a bit frightening.

Details are as follows.
English Russia >> Big House Big Troubles

This is a basement. Is it a sewer? It seems to be a dungeon of RPG somehow, but it seems that metal drooping from the heaven is a stick of metal that was made corroded.

The pillar is broken.

The pillars which are visible to the back are also broken. Is not the whole collapsed ...?

Even in Japan, construction of the building may be a problem, but it seems that circumstances are similar even abroad.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log