I ate Kinnikuman's meat ball "Kin Meat Bin"

Yamazaki bread bought me for meat potatoes "Kinnikuman no kin meat beef bowl flavor" and "Terryman's Teriyaki hamburg mans" that imaged Kinnikuman that celebrates the 29th year of next year so I bought it. Although it seems to be quite unusual meat bean from the product name, what kind of contents is inside?

The photo below shows "Kinnikuman's Kinnakuman beef bowl flavor"

As with the forehead of Kinnikuman, there is a mark of "meat".

The inside is like this. The taste has sweetness like boiling sauce of beef bowl, it is just like beef bowl "flavor". As I did not have much meat, I almost felt like eating bread with sauce.

This is "Teriyaman's Teriyaki Hamburger Guan"

Terryman's rice mark.

The inside was hamburger steak. A little Teriyaki sauce is also included, but since it is really small, I do not taste the sauce much. Unlike a hamburger, there is no other ingredients in it, so it seems a little tasty lonesome, but it was a response to eating that would be a new fast food after devising.

There is super information on the bedding.

There are 25 types of bedding designs, but it is now possible to see all of them on the Yamazaki bread site.

The character of Kinnikuman is packaged! "Kinnikuman no kin beef cow bowl-shaped flavor" "Terryman's Teriyaki hamburger grand man"

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log