The topic "Hatsune Miku" image disappears from the search result

Variety program of TBSFeaturing in "Akko to Random" was so bad that it became a fuss"Hatsune Miku", but this time a situation arises that nothing comes out even if you search for images of various search engines "Hatsune Miku."

As a result of actually searching, the search results do not really come up.

Details are as follows.
First I tried searching on Google. It does not come out at all.
Hatsune Miku - Google Image Search

Next, Yahoo! Search by JAPAN.
Yahoo! Search (Image Search) - Search Results for "Hatsune Miku"

The same is true for excite.
"Hatsune Miku" - Excite Search Results

It came out on goo. It seems like this will appear on other search sites if originally.
[Hatsune Miku] Image Search Results - goo Images · Videos · Music Search

Search by Live Search provided by Microsoft. Even here it comes out.
Live Search image: Hatsune Miku

It is the same also in image search of livedoor. Why do you see extreme differences so far?
Livedoor image search search result: Hatsune Miku

Please refer to the next article for the result of contacting the company of all search engines mentioned here.

I tried calling each search engine about the disappearance of image search result of "Hatsune Miku" - GIGAZINE

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log