CSS Float code creation tutorial site "Floatutorial"

Nine floating tutorials of the CSS code tutorial site "Max Design". Since the procedure is written in detail, I think that it is easy to understand.

Details are as below. It is an image of 1 to 9 tutorial names and demo screens.

Put the image to the right
Floatutorial: Tutorial 1 - all steps combined

Image and caption
Floatutorial: Tutorial 2 - all steps combined

Arrange images vertically
Floatutorial: Tutorial 3 - all steps combined

Thumbnail Gallery
Floatutorial: Tutorial 4 - all steps combined

List with "next" and "back"
Floatutorial: Tutorial 5 - all steps combined

Inline list
Floatutorial: Tutorial 6 - all steps combined

Increase the first letter
Floatutorial: Tutorial 7 - all steps combined

2 Column layout
Floatutorial: Tutorial 8 - all steps combined

3 Column layout
Floatutorial: Tutorial 9 - all steps combined

Floatutorial: Step by step CSS float tutorial

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log