Light saver is launched into space by NASA

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Star Wars' release, it seems that a lightsaber will be loaded in the space shuttle.

Going to space is the original prop used by Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill, and was deposited at NASA by Chewbacca at a special ceremony held at the Space Station in Houston.

Details are as below.
CollectSPACE - news - NASA shuttle to launch Luke's lightsaber

The lightsaber will be loaded, scheduled to be launched in OctoberSTS-120. In order to raise it to space, it was delivered from California's Oakland International Airport to the Johnson Space Station of NASA in Houston via Southwest Airlines. It seems that the lightsaber will be carried along with the new module for the International Space Station.

Star Wars' official blog also has photos when lightsaber was handed over.

Chewie Hands off Lightsaber to NASA «The Official Star Wars Blog

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log