Thai police decided to give Hello Kitty punishment to rule violators

I made a new penalty to let a person in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand, who violated the rules, wear a prominent armband treated with Hello Kitty. It is said that the purpose is to give shame by giving this armband.

It is certainly a painful penalty for those who do not care for Hello Kitty.

Details are as below.
BBC NEWS World Asia - Pacific Thai cops punished by Hello Kitty

Armband to be worn is embroidered with huge shiny pink Hello Kitty and 2 heart marks. A police officer who has been late, misplaced, made another minor offense must wear this armband for several days.

"This will help to rectify the morning.We should not overlook any small breach.When letting those who commit a violation raise an armband and imagine what they did to others around without violating it For those who violate further, we will punish with the conventional disciplinary panel, "said Pongpat Chayapan, police colonel.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log