JASRAC announces license terms for use of music on video sharing site

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 11:58 Jul 26, 2007, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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The other day Yahoo! JAPANAgreed to pay the copyright royalty of the music in the video posted on the video sharing site "Yahoo! Video cast" to the Japan Music Association (JASRAC)We talked about that in GIGAZINE, but this time JASRAC announced the terms and conditions for using music on video sharing site.

The licensing conditions and usage fee which are concerned are as follows.
License terms for video posting (sharing) service

According to this release, JASRAC provides conditions for permission to use music in the video posting (sharing) service, in providing servicesAdopt stream formatDoing it,Under the responsibility of the operator who manages and operates, songwriters / composers, screenwriters, record companies, performers, broadcasting stations, video producers and other rights are prevented from infringementFor that reason, it is necessary to check preliminary checks or equivalent checks by visually checking the uploaded work by the responsibility of the operator and adopting technical means and clearly showing the process chart of system constructionWe are taking concrete measures etc.I am doing it.

And for the scope of granting use, it seems to be a music work managed by JASRAC in the work that received legitimate permission / provision from the right holder of the video work and the video work produced by the contributor of the individual etc etc. In addition, it is said that the usage is permitted only for Japanese music for the time being.

Also, although it is an interesting usage rate, it seems that music will be the main movie for 2.8% of the operating company's income, and for the other entertainment movies it will be 2.0%. In addition, we are stating that the usage fee rate of posted works of individual production will be decided separately.

Lastly, as for the report of used songs, it is necessary to report all songs used together with the number of requests etc, so it seems necessary to manage music information such as accepting song information from contributors.

AgainYouTubeYaNico Nico DougaIt is a place to worry about the trend of.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log