WILLCOM introduces dramatically expanded e-mailbox and emoticon conversion service

WILLCOM announced today that it will augment e - mail service. He said that he would introduce a dramatically extended mailbox and pictograph conversion service.

In addition, it seems that some of the conventional services will end according to the enhancement of the e-mail service.

Details are as follows.
WILLCOM | Notice of function enhancement of e-mail service and termination of some additional functions

According to this release, WILLCOM expects to increase e - mail service by the middle of 2007. As for contents to be increased, it is planned to greatly expand mailboxes and to convert pictograms with mobile phone companies. Regarding the expansion of the service, it will be announced again as soon as details such as schedule are decided. By the way, according to the following link, the capacity of the mailbox of the current e-mail service is said to be 1MB.

WILLCOM | E-mail

In addition, as an extension of the service and arrangement of the existing services due to the expansion of the facility, we check the mailbox once a day, and will notify you when there are unreceived mailsUnconfirmed email notification service"Check the mailbox once a day and notify you when there is an unconfirmed mail that arrived on the 29th day from the arrival"E-mail notification service dueIt is said that it will end on 28th September (Friday).

It is good news for those with attachments, those who exchange lots of mails on the day, or those who want to use pictograms in email.

in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log