Now the most affordable HDD capacity, finally to 500GB model

While price declines of PC built-in HDD are progressing, finally it seems that HDD of 500 GB has become the most affordable.

In addition, it seems that more expensive HDDs are more frequent compared to 500 GB for HDDs of 250 GB and 320 GB, which were the most profitable for the time being.

Details are as follows.
Major price comparison site "Price .com"According to the information published in the information that is currently the cheapest unit price per gigabyte divided by the price of HDD is the 500 GHz model HDD" HD501LJ "made by SAMSUNG.

HD501LJ (500GB SATA 7200) from cheapest price 11,990 yen - 【】

The unit price per 1GB of this "HD501LJ" is about 23 yen, the second cheap WESTERN DIGITAL 500GB modelWD 5000 AKS(12530 yen, about 25 yen per 1 GB), 320 GB model manufactured by HGST (Hitachi IBM), the third cheapestHDT 725032 VLAT 80(8030 yen, about 25 yen per 1GB) to separate it.

Other than that, 500 GB model HDD made by Seagate, a major HDD manufacturer,It is decreasing to about 27 yen per 1 GBIt may be good news for those who are planning to add HDDs soon.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log