Japan and Hungary are fighting intense click warfare

There were contacts from multiple GIGAZINE readers, but it seems that Japan and Hungary are fighting intensely. Contents are click competition, and various other countries are participating, but the score of Japan and Hungary is far beyond.

Details are as follows.
Click for Japan - Click Click Click - ClickClickClick.com - Click game

Since it is flipping the robot, please input a character string in the image in the right box and log in.

Current world rankings. Hungary is top, Japan is second. The digit is different from the 3rd place under Chile.

This is the result of the previous game. Japan won with a small gap to keep Hungary. Although Hungary made a breakthrough in Japan on the way, it seems that he finally won the big reversal victory.

Results of the 2007 league. Japan is taking the top twice.

You can check your click count and ranking. Because I have not clicked yet, amateur clicker.

Click "CLICK!" Violently. By clicking "Click here to add to total" below the number you can add the total clicked this time in total.

When I added it ranked up, I became a happy clicker.

The summary site is below. The momentum is graphed, but this time Hungary's momentum seems terrible.

The country that I clicked on won the championship title

in Review,   Game, Posted by logc_nt