From Russia, convenient goods that can commit suicide anytime anywhere

It is said to be a convenient goods that Russian design studio "Artlebedev" announced, can easily commit suicide.

In addition to Russia, there are options available in the United States, Europe, Japan, etc., and it is possible to commit suicide easily anytime anywhere.

What is this ...?

Details are as follows.
Easy to use. Just put two fingers into a power outlet.

I inserted it in an outlet. Touching the inside electrode will cause electric shock.

Adapters available in Japan etc. are included.

I tried inserting a lot in multi-tap.

The official site is here.

Штепсельный дактилоадаптер <<Вилкус>>

Apparently, this seems to be April Fool's story, but I do not know how it really is because I can not read Russian.

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in Art, Posted by darkhorse_log