The game "Boomshine" that will chain objects into explosions

It is a game that involves objects in an explosion that spreads when clicked. We will erase as many objects as possible using the explosion of chained objects in chains.

Access is from the following.

title screen.

Level and number of explosions required for clear · Total number of objects coming out. Click on PLAY to start the game.

Explode with a left click.

When the explosive object reaches the clear number, the background shines.

If you can clear it to the next level.

Once it fails it will be over again.

As the level goes up, the number of explosions required for object and clear increases.

Level up to 12. If you explode in 55 out of 60, it clears.

When clear it shows the score. Click "submit score" to join the score ranking.

Please enter a name, check the age check of 13 years old and over, and click "SUBMIT".

Then it shows whether I ranked in.

We can also check ranking results by day, week, month.

in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log