"PeX" which can exchange points that you got on the net to other points

The service "PeX" which can exchange points saved by answering online shopping and questionnaire to Amazon, TUTAYAonline, eBank cashback will be opened on February 6, 2007.

The feature of "PeX" is that you can utilize points without worrying about the expiration date, that you can exchange points in real time, that points you made in blog can be gathered at PeX.

Although the service available at the time of the start is 12, 25 services are scheduled to start sequentially, and furthermore we will aggressively cooperate with offline points as well.

インターネットや商店街で貯めたポイントを一つにまとめて管理できる ポイント交換所「PeX」( http://pex.jp/ )をオープン~年間12億円のキャッシュバック実績を誇るECナビやamebaブログなどとの連携強みに

The affiliated services are as follows.

To accumulate
·EC Navi
·ameba blog
·Blue chip
·Life Mile
·Micro add
·Chibi rich
·Research panel

To use
·G crest
·Net price
·EBANK Corporation
·Blue chip
·Chibi rich

In other words, you can use points shopping by EC Navi for Amazon shopping. Moreover, it seems that you can exchange points in real time, so it seems that you can use it considerably convenient if you use it well.

Point exchange PeX

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt