Diet is possible with Wii Sports

There are those who try anything in the world, what a "Wii SportsThere is a person who attempted a diet using ". As a result of continuing to play "Wii Sports" for 30 minutes every day, as usual eating habits are kept for 6 weeks, it seems that they have actually succeeded in dieting. After all the play style of Wii seems to consume more calories than using a game pad normally.

As a measure of calories actually consumed in 15 minutes of playing, 92 kcal of tennis, 77 kcal of bowling, 125 kcal of boxing was said that boxing was 125 kcal.

So, let 's see movies, graphs, photographs etc of the actual situation.
Wii Sports Experiment, Results!

Firstly, as a result of 6 weeks of play, we succeeded in weight loss of about 9 pounds (about 4 kilograms). Also, along with thisBMI (weight index)Also decreased from 25.2 to 24.0.

As you can see from the graph, it has been steadily decreasing since December 3 when we started dieting.

In fact it seems that he was playing Wii Sports with the feeling that it was recorded in the following movie. Pretty intense.

YouTube - Wii Sports Experiment Time-Lapse

And there is also a moving movie edited by Rocky like himself who dietted this diet record.

YouTube - Wii Sports Experiment Rocky Training Montage

By the way, there is also an introduction movie about what kind of game Wii Sports is.

YouTube - Wii Sports Review

in Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse