"Videogame Charts" that you can see worldwide sales graph such as Wii, PS3, Xbox
Worldwide sales of next generation game machines such as Wii, PS3, and Xbox are graphed, and how much is sold in Japan, the United States and other areas? You can see a breakdown of it.
At the present stage, Xbox 360 is 7.9 million, Wii is 3.54 million, and PS 3 is 1.21 million at worldwide level. Looking at the breakdown in Japan, Wii has 1.04 million units, PS3 has 480,000 units, and Xbox 360 has 300,000 units.
Details are as follows.
Videogame Charts
The following page has made this result into various graph formats, and code for embedding in blog etc. is also provided, so it is also possible to display the sales graph.
Next Gen Wars!
There is also sales ranking for each week in Japan.
Japanese Chart for Week Ending
These data are not based on official data,This pageAccording to the official announcement data, sales data, it seems that it calculates based on various other information.
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in Web Service, Game, Posted by darkhorse_log