"ZOOMQUILT" that infinitely enters the picture

With a Flash file about 1 MB in size, dragging the mouse upward after loading will zoom in at infinite speed into GUNGON and the picture at a tremendous speed. If you drag the opposite mouse towards the bottom, it will keep going away. Feeling strange when you are watching it all the while. Probably you can feel awesome if you do it on a huge screen.

Other similar things are also from below.
Click on the place written "FLASH" on the site below and you will be able to experience it when the reading is over. (Because it is heavy, it may fail, but it will be readable if you update it several times)


The following Flash also feels the same.


This is the same, but it is slightly different.

Geriatric Punks: Prepare to Lose Your Mind

There seems to be a clear way to draw such a picture, it seems possible to draw by the following mathematical expression. It is used in Escher's famous paintings. It is a basic feeling of design, but for reference.

A logarithmic image transformation.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log