I tried eating soy sauce ramen style rice balls

I bought "Sapporo First Soy Sauce Ramen style Musubisetto" and "Sapporo First Miso Ramen style Musubisetto" released from FamilyMart today, I tried it at once.
Looking at the raw material behind it seems not much difference

Soy sauce was like this.

When I try to eat it, it is quite tasty. It is a level that I can not recommend for people who like taste. Grilled pigs and Menma are the size of a good feeling, the texture is quite the best. Sapporo If you are asked if the best soy sauce ramen is reproduced ... a rather subtle line ... it might be a bit different. Maybe it may be cold.

This is Miso.

Unlike soy sauce, the reproducibility of taste is quite high. Perhaps it seems that Sapporo's best miso flavor is characteristic. However, it seems that it is slightly powdery, or a bit rough texture like oil which miso soup is cold and floating on top also has a feeling in the cut.

Taken comprehensively, the taste is quite strong, so it is good to have tea and eat while drinking.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log