A new blogging tool "Project comet" (kana) will also be offered in Japan

This "Project comet" seems to be more personal than the blogs that are open to the public for the general public, but for the purpose of making it public for acquaintances. Originally it originated back to September last year.

Details are as below.

ITmedia Enterprise: US Six Apart, 2006 announced Media Integration Blog "Project Comet"

US Six Apart, a privacy-oriented blogging tool "Project Comet" plan

Six Apart's co-founder and president, Mena Trott, tells why his mother does not try to use the blog
Three reasons cited.
First of all, my mother thinks I do not write anything by myself,
And I do not want to see what I wrote around the world,
It means that I do not have time to write a blog.
However, in reality, she frequently sends e-mails and telephone calls to president Trott, her daughter,
In fact, I pointed out that there are a lot of things to write about families.

Although it is a casual word, it is certainly realistic. Or, ordinary people do not have a source of information to explicitly send out to the net, and there is also not much topic. That's why everyone is journalism is a mad illusion. It is also to say that the law of how to use it is on the extended line of the diary again is a real line.

In order for these people to use blogs, at Project Comet
We emphasized the privacy function.
This includes not only password protection, but also which part of the blog is to be disclosed to whom
Can be specified.
It is possible to hide part of sentences, images, movies only for a specific person.

Clearly, it seems like SNS like mixi. However, Six Apart of the developer asserts that it is not SNS.

ITmedia News: Six Apart, "SNS diary" blog tool to be offered domestically

Project comet is a blogging tool for small communities. A function to add a diary,
It has a function to upload rich contents such as images and songs,
Like Japan's social networking service (SNS)
The scope of disclosure of the diary can be limited.
However, "Not to meet strangers, but to communicate with acquaintances"
(Mina President), it is said that it is not SNS.

Comet is said to be "open soon" (Mina president) in the US, and then to be released in Japan.

I wonder if I think that it is a narrower SNS in the range ...? Or, I do not care what the fact that the reality that there are so many who have some confidence that they do not see other than their own acquaintance is not changed at all ...

For example, if it is operated by a large school as a school bulletin board etc., if you only do the way of consciousness that only the students of the school, only the related parties, etc. are watching it, "Know this place It is somehow clear that there are more cases than you imagine that you believe incredibly that you and only your friends and friends are not watching here.

Is it a lack of ability to imagine and conscious of invisible things? Is the new blogging tool "Project comet" a service for such humans?

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log