Chrome extension 'TabBoo' prevents you from repeatedly visiting the same site and getting stuck in an addictive infinite loop

Many people have probably had the experience of browsing social media or their favorite sites on their smartphone or PC while working or studying, and before they know it, they've left their work and are browsing the site. The Google Chrome extension ' TabBoo ' is an add-on that will stop you from checking a site you keep checking over and over again when it's open in your browser.
TabBoo - Chrome Web Store
Let's actually install and use TabBoo. First, click 'Add to Chrome' from the distribution page of the Chrome Web Store.

A pop-up will appear, so click 'Add extension'.

The TabBoo icon will appear in the upper right corner. Click it to display the menu.

First, enter any URL in the input field in the middle. This time, to correct the habit of looking at X (formerly Twitter), enter the URL of X and click 'Add'.

The X URL was registered like this.
So I browsed X for a while.

Suddenly, I was startled when a ghostly face appeared in my browser, accompanied by the loud sound of a woman screaming.

TabBoo is a system that uses jump scares to overwrite your addictive attachment to the site. The jump scares themselves are almost the same as the old-fashioned FLASH pranks. The

If you set the frequency to 100%, a scary face will appear the moment you access it, which will startle you, and at the same time make you realize, 'Oh! I was trying to access X again out of habit...'

If you click 'Enable Suggestions' at the bottom of the menu, the app will analyze your browser history and pick out the sites you visit most frequently.

A pop-up will appear requesting additional permissions, so click 'Allow.'

Then, a whole row of websites appeared. Even if you are someone who routinely browses websites and your body has become used to accessing them, TabBoo may help you to have a more human-like internet life. However, because it uses shocking effects, it is not recommended for those with a weak heart.

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