Review of 'Peyoung Peyonaise Yakisoba' that feels mayonnaise even though it is not mayonnaise

' Peyoung Peyonaise Yakisoba ', a new flavor of Maruka Food's cup yakisoba 'Peyoung', was released on Monday, January 20, 2025. It uses the original 'Peyonaise Sauce' that has the flavor and taste of mayonnaise even though it is not mayonnaise, so I was really curious about what it tasted like, so I actually tried it.
Peyoung Peyonaise Yakisoba | Maruka Foods Co., Ltd.
I bought Peyoung Peyonaise Yakisoba.

The ingredients look like this. It does not contain mayonnaise and there are no eggs.

Calories per serving: 543kcal.

The packaging film has been peeled off.

Inside was toppings and sauce. The toppings were the same as regular Peyoung.
Open the container, pour in boiling water and wait 3 minutes.

Drain after 3 minutes.

Pour the sauce onto the noodles. It has the usual color and looks almost the same as regular Peyoung, but the sauce has a pungent aroma reminiscent of mayonnaise.

Stir well with chopsticks.

Peyoung Peyonaise Yakisoba is complete. It has the same brown sauce as regular Peyoung, and the ingredients are the same, so if you weren't told, you would probably think it was the same as regular Peyoung.

When you eat it, you get the impression that the aroma and sourness of the sauce is slightly less than that of regular Peyoung, and at the same time, you can feel a slight mayonnaise-like aroma and flavor. However, the taste is not all mayonnaise, but it does not exceed the range of ordinary yakisoba. When we asked other editorial staff to try it without telling them that it was 'Peyonnaise Yakisoba,' they commented that 'It has a unique sourness that is different from usual,' and 'It tastes like eating flour, like takoyaki,' and it seemed that they did not realize that the flavor of mayonnaise was reproduced.

When you actually try it with mayonnaise, you'll notice that the flavor of real mayonnaise is more eggy and sour. When the editorial staff who tried it later revealed that it was Peyoung Yakisoba, they commented, 'I usually put a little bit of my own mayonnaise on Peyoung, so it might be closer to the usual taste,' and 'I thought it would be nice to have a stronger mayonnaise flavor.'

Peyoung Peyonaise Yakisoba will be available at convenience stores and supermarkets nationwide from January 20, 2025. The suggested retail price is 214 yen excluding tax, and 18 pieces can be purchased for 4,520 yen including tax from the link below.
Free shipping, great value when you buy in bulk [18 pieces sold] Peyoung Peyonaise Yakisoba 117g
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