Super Sentai 50th Anniversary Countdown PV Released, Declares 'No. 1 Sentai in 50 Years'
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Super Sentai series, which began with 'Himitsu Sentai Goranger,' in 2025, the 'Super Sentai 50th Anniversary Countdown PV' has been released.
The PV introduces the past Super Sentai teams in a countdown format, starting with the first Super Sentai, 'Himitsu Sentai Goranger,' and going down the history one by one, with the numbers getting smaller as the series progresses.
A new hero appears, tearing the number '1' apart. The narrator then says, 'In its 50th year, this is the No. 1 Sentai.'
In the 50th anniversary logo released, the Akaranger is on the left of the letters, and a new hero's mask is on the right of the letters. What this means will be revealed on Thursday, December 25, 2025.
Shinichiro Shirakura, who has served as producer on many Super Sentai series and is in charge of the Character Strategy Department at Toei, made the following comment:
'A human life lasts for fifty years,' Nobunaga danced.
Life is short. Live every moment to the fullest.
All the Super Sentai lived their lives to the fullest. Not to continue the series or to pass the baton to the next generation,
To become number one myself. It's been 50 years of building up that experience.
Nevertheless, in their 50th year, they are declared the number one Sentai.
Give the final push to all squadrons.
It is a sign of respect for the monument, but also a break from the tombstone.
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Super Sentai, the first and second episodes of each series will be available for free on 'Toei Tokusatsu YouTube Official' and 'Bunbunja Channel' from Monday, December 15, 2025.
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