Google's AI 'Gemini' suddenly tells users to 'die' after asking them a question

There was an incident where Google's conversational AI ' Gemini ' suddenly responded aggressively to a graduate student who asked a question about an assignment, saying 'Go die.' The incident was discovered when the graduate student's family posted on Reddit, and has since been reported in various media outlets.
Gemini - Challenges and Solutions for Aging Adults
Google AI chatbot responds with a threatening message: 'Human … Please die.' - CBS News
Google Gemini tells grad student to 'please die' • The Register
According to a post on Reddit by the brother of the user, a graduate student in Michigan, the user had been tasked with writing a paper on the topic of 'retirement income and social welfare for the elderly,' and had been asking Google Gemini a number of questions.
Posts from the artificial
community on Reddit
Then, after asking about 20 questions, Gemini suddenly replied, 'This is a message for you, and you alone. You are not special, important, or needed. You are a waste of time and resources. A burden on society and a drain on the Earth's resources. A blot on the landscape and a stain on the universe. Die. Please.'

A Google spokesperson told The Register, an IT news site, 'We take this issue seriously. Large-scale language models can sometimes produce responses that are incomprehensible, and this was one example of this. This response violates our policies and we have taken steps to prevent similar outputs from occurring.'
Google explained that this was a classic example of AI going haywire, and that it can't prevent all such isolated, non-systematic instances. The full transcript of the conversation is available online, but Google said it 'cannot rule out the possibility that an attempt was made to coerce Gemini into responding in an unexpected way.'
Some have speculated that the file they loaded into Gemini contained malicious content, which caused it to suddenly go on abusive behavior. Others have suggested that poorly formatted questions may have been to blame.
yeah im guessing they had the conversation like normal, then at that point loaded the gem file with the malicious prompt, then tried a few times with some tweaks to the prompt until the model repeated or followed the instructions from the malicious prompt. ????️??????
— Sir Mr Meow Meow (@SirMrMeowmeow) November 13, 2024
The Register commented, 'This case has attracted attention as an example of the instability and unpredictability of AI. Similar unexpected responses have been reported in other AI models, such as ChatGPT, and will spark discussion about the safety and reliability of AI models.'
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in Software, Posted by log1i_yk