Gosub is a new browser engine that is neither Blink nor WebKit.

At the time of writing, the HTML rendering engines in widespread use are limited to three: Chrome and Edge's 'Blink,' Safari's 'WebKit,' and Firefox's 'Gecko.' In order to break the situation where a small number of large companies and organizations hold the power to decide the future of the web, ' Gosub ' is being developed as a 'new web engine written from scratch.'

Gosub Web Browser Engine


Gosub is in the early stages of development, with the HTML parser currently being developed to the point where it can parse HTML5 correctly, and the CSS parser is in the proof-of-concept stage. In addition, at the time of writing, Google's V8 JavaScript engine is used, but Gosub places emphasis on modularity, and plans to allow developers to choose their preferred JavaScript engine in the future. It is also stated that developers will be able to easily customize their own components in other areas, such as the rendering pipeline.

Gosub is currently in the process of being developed to the point where it can display web pages, but the appearance is significantly degraded. For example, the official Gosub website is displayed as follows:

The development status of Gosub is summarized in detail on the following page.

Gosub Web Browser Engine

In addition, the Gosub source code is available in the following GitHub repository.

GitHub - gosub-io/gosub-engine: Our main browser engine repository.

Another well-known emerging browser engine is Servo, which originated from Mozilla's Rust browser engine development project. Development of Servo had been stagnant for a long time, but in 2023, new funding was provided and development has become more active.

Servo, a Rust-based HTML rendering engine that had been silenced, has more than 1,000 pull requests per year, and will release an Android version in 2024 - GIGAZINE

In addition, Ladybird, which was being developed as an internal browser for the privately developed OS SerenityOS , has been separated into a standalone browser project and is being rapidly developed with large amounts of funding.

Ladybird, a truly open web browser that is free from all constraints and develops its own browser engine from scratch without receiving money from Google, has raised over 160 million yen from the founder of GitHub - GIGAZINE

in Software, Posted by log1o_hf