Sam Altman's iris scanning project 'Worldcoin' renamed to 'World' and announced a vision for using the scanned ID for identity verification

Worldcoin, a protocol developed by OpenAI founder Sam Altman and others to build a network using iris scans to obtain biometric information, has changed its name to World.

Hello World: 5 major announcements from the New World event in San Francisco

Keynote: a new world - YouTube

Sam Altman's Worldcoin becomes World and shows new iris-scanning Orb to prove your humanity | TechCrunch

'Worldcoin' is a network that uses the next-generation iris scanning device 'Orb' to scan and register human irises, generate a hash (World ID) for each individual, and use that hash to make payments and identity authentication. In exchange for the hash, the virtual currency 'Worldcoin (WLD)' is also offered.

'Orb' is a device like this.

I will scan it like this.

Orbs have also been installed in Tokyo and

several other prefectures in Japan.

On October 17, 2024, Alex Branigan, CEO of Tools For Humanity, the developer of Worldcoin, took the stage at an event in San Francisco and announced that the name would be changed from Worldcoin to World, saying, 'The old name is over.'

World's vision is that advanced AI systems like those that OpenAI is trying to build may one day make it impossible to tell whether the person you're communicating with online is a human or an AI. World's solution to this problem is the human authentication service 'World ID Deep Face.'

World ID Deep Face is said to be able to verify whether the other party in a real-time video conference or video call is a real human being, thereby combating the threat of fakes such as deepfakes.

At the event, World announced a ' new Orb that is faster and more transparent' that will serve as a stepping stone for building its network. In addition, World ID Credentials , a system that allows World ID to prove nationality and passport ownership without revealing one's true identity (while protecting privacy), and ' Mini Apps ' that integrate the World system were unveiled, and the vision of expanding the World network to 1 billion people was outlined.

World's vision is to 'redistribute the wealth generated by AI to the people through WLD tokens, making the benefits of AI accessible to everyone,' but countries such as Kenya and Spain have put a hold on the plan, citing privacy concerns.

Spain suspends iris authentication cryptocurrency 'Worldcoin' launched by Sam Altman - GIGAZINE

Branigan and Altman said, 'We have already completed the first and second phases - developing Orb and building a blockchain-based decentralized ownership network. The final phase, the fourth phase, will see the AI's wealth redistribution, but before we can get there we need to complete the third phase, 'scaling up.' So far, 7 million users have registered for World ID, but we're going to expand to a much larger scale.'

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