Steam makes it clear in the shopping cart that 'users cannot acquire the game itself, but only the right to use the game,' in response to California's new law

Steam's shopping cart page now displays a notice saying, ' When you purchase a digital product, you are licensing the product on Steam .' This change is believed to be in response to

a law enacted in California .

Steam | Shopping Cart

Steam now tells gamers up front that they're buying a license, not a game

Steam adds the harsh truth that you're buying “a license,” not the game itself - Ars Technica

The notification added to the Steam shopping cart is below. It says 'When you purchase a digital product, you are licensing the product on Steam.' This notification is always displayed regardless of whether there is an item in the shopping cart or not.

Steam's terms of use have long included a clause stating that 'users do not acquire the game itself, but only the right to use the game.' The clause in question, included in the version of the terms of use updated on September 26, 2024, is as follows. The addition of the notification to the shopping cart is thought to be a measure to clearly indicate this clause to users.

Use of Steam and your Subscriptions requires the download and installation of Content and Services onto your computer. Valve grants, and you receive, a non-exclusive license and right to use the Content and Services for your personal, non-commercial use (except where commercial use is expressly permitted herein or in the applicable Subscription). This license terminates upon termination of (a) this Agreement or (b) a Subscription that includes the license. Content and Services are licensed, not sold. No title or ownership in the Content and Services is granted with the license.

Steam's additional notification is believed to be related to California's consumer protection law ' AB 2426. ' AB 2426 is a law that requires sellers of digital content such as games and music to 'clearly state the sales format when the sales format gives users access to the content rather than selling the content itself,' and 'not use terms such as 'buy' or 'purchase' unless the content is 'permanently available offline.'' Steam's additional notification is thought to be part of the 'disclosure of sales format' law.

California to enact law banning 'Purchase' buttons on digital content that will never be available - GIGAZINE

in Game, Posted by log1o_hf