I tried Kirin's 'Kirin Namacha Delicious Caffeine Zero,' which combines the deliciousness of green tea with the ability to drink without worrying about caffeine.

Based on the survey results that 'approximately one in three users are concerned about taking in too much caffeine,' Kirin created ' Kirin Ikacha Delicious Caffeine Zero ' with the desire to 'enjoy green tea, a familiar drink, without worrying about caffeine,' and released it on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. I actually tried drinking it.

Imaicha Caffeine-free | Kirin Imaicha | Kirin


The packaging for 'Kirin Imaicha Delicious Caffeine Zero' follows the packaging design of 'Kirin Imaicha,' which was revamped in April 2024, and includes the word 'DECAF' in the center.

Kirin's patented Decaffeinated Process removes the caffeine from green tea while preserving its flavor and aroma.

The ingredients are green tea, fresh tea leaf extract, and vitamin C.

Nutritional information: Calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and caffeine are all 0, with only the salt equivalent being 0.03g per 100ml.

It looks like this when poured into a glass. The color of the liquid is slightly brownish and translucent, which is difficult to distinguish from normal Namacha. Even when comparing the taste with normal Namacha, the difference is so slight that it makes you wonder, 'Is there really a difference?' An editorial staff member who drank it without knowing which one it was said, 'I feel that the caffeine-free version has a slightly stronger tea-like astringency.' For those who usually drink 'Kirin Namacha' and think, 'If this is caffeine-free, I can drink it without worrying about the caffeine content,' this is likely to be a welcome option.

'Kirin Namacha Delicious Caffeine Zero' is on sale at a suggested retail price of 160 yen excluding tax. At the time of writing, Amazon.co.jp sells a set of 24 bottles for 2160 yen including tax (90 yen including tax per bottle).

Amazon.co.jp: Kirin Namacha Delicious Caffeine-Free 430ml 24 Bottles Tea Green Tea Unsweetened Tea Plastic Bottle Non-Caffeinated Decaffeinated: Food, Beverages & Alcohol

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt