OpenAI’s PR account X was hijacked to spread links to cryptocurrency scam sites

On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 (Japan time), OpenAI's public relations account X posted false information that 'OpenAI will issue virtual currency.' The post also included a link to a fraudulent site that resembled the OpenAI official website.

An official OpenAI X account was taken over to peddle a crypto scam - The Verge

The post in question was made by the news distribution account ' OpenAI Newsroom (@OpenAINewsroom) ' opened by OpenAI on September 5, 2024. At the time of opening the account, it was clearly stated that it was an associated account with OpenAI's official X account ' OpenAI (@OpenAI) ', and a logo mark indicating that it is an associated account of OpenAI was added to the right of the account name, indicating that the account itself is genuine.

At around 8:24 a.m. on September 24, 2024, Japan time, the OpenAI Newsroom posted a link to a website with the domain 'token-openai[.]com' along with the text, 'We are pleased to announce the token '$OPENAI' that bridges the gap between AI and blockchain technology. All OpenAI users will receive the initial tokens of '$OPENAI'. Access the beta program and hold '$OPENAI.'

According to The Verge, when the link in the post was clicked, the victim was taken to a website that looked just like the official OpenAI website, which also had a button asking the victim to connect their cryptocurrency wallet.

At the time of writing, even if you accessed the site, you would see a warning message like 'Possible phishing scam' as shown below.

When checking the Whois information for 'token-openai[.]com,' the Creation Date was '2024-09-23T22:18:47Z.'

Immediately after the post in question was posted, OpenAI Newsroom replied to the post saying, 'Comments have been turned off due to malicious links,' and the post in question was subsequently deleted.

in Security, Posted by log1o_hf