Leaked documents reveal that Facebook, Google and Amazon's partner companies are eavesdropping on smartphone microphones

Foreign media outlet 404 Media has reported that leaked documents from a marketing agency have revealed that the advertising industry is capturing voice data through smartphone microphones and linking it to individuals for use in advertising.

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The problem with this leak is a technology called 'active listening' developed by American media company Cox Media Group (CMG). In December 2023, it was reported that CMG had started a business using this technology to record users' everyday conversations from smartphones and smart speakers and deliver targeted advertising based on that.

An advertising company that develops 'active listening' that continuously records everyday conversations with smartphones and smart speakers, analyzes demand in real time, and delivers targeted advertising will finally appear - GIGAZINE

According to a leaked sales deck from CMG (PDF file) obtained by 404 Media, CMG was pitching to clients that 'smart devices will listen to conversations to capture real-time intent data , allowing advertisers to combine that voice data with behavioral data to target consumers in-market.'

The process by which active listening identifies individuals from user voice and connects them to advertising is divided into six stages. First, when consumers leave a data trail based on their conversations and behavior, AI collects and analyzes that voice data and behavioral data from more than 470 sources, and matches them to identify 'people who are ready to buy.' Then, based on that data, AI selects the client's products and services and creates a user list within a 10-mile (about 16 km) radius. After that, when digital advertising targeting begins from the list, CMG's service automatically analyzes the client's traffic and users to continue targeting.

CMG also revealed that major tech companies such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook have been using its active listening services for many years.

The major IT companies named by CMG as having recorded the voices of smartphone users had different reactions.

First, after being contacted by 404 Media, Google immediately removed CMG from its partner program and issued a statement saying, 'All advertisers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as our advertising policies. If we identify ads or advertisers that violate our policies, we will take appropriate action.'

Facebook's parent company Meta also said it would launch an investigation into whether CMG's actions violated its terms of use, which state that data cannot be used without users' consent.

Meanwhile, an Amazon Ads spokesperson denied any relationship with CMG, saying, 'We have never worked with CMG on this program and have no plans to do so in the future.' They also said that if they find that any marketing partners are violating their terms, they will take appropriate action.

CMG has not responded to media requests for comment on the incident, but in a now- deleted blog post it said, 'We know you're wondering, 'Is active listening really legal?' The short answer is yes, it is legal for someone to listen to your conversations on their phone or device. When you download a new app or update an app, you're likely met with pages and pages of fine print about active listening.'

in Mobile,   Web Service,   Hardware, Posted by log1l_ks