Why do cats hate closed doors?

If you close the door to prevent your cat from entering the room, the cat in front of the door may become very irritated and may stick its arms through the gap, start scratching the door with its paws, or attack the door while making excited meows. Live Science, a science news site, explains why cats hate closed doors.

Why do cats hate closed doors? | Live Science

Veterinary behavioral expert Dr. Karen Sueda explains that one of the reasons cats dislike closed doors is because of a form of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). Cats think, 'I don't know what's on the other side, so I want to go and see for myself.''

FOMO is a psychological phenomenon that is said to have become more pronounced in humans as well as in cats with the spread of social media, and is said to be deeply related to the survival instinct of animals. Cats are naturally predators, but at the same time, they can also become prey for large carnivores. Therefore, they have an instinct to always be aware of their surroundings and not overlook potential dangers.

'Cats want to control access to space, their basic needs and their territory. This is because, as a predator-prey species, they need to hunt to survive but also need to stay safe,' says Ingrid Johnson, a cat behaviour consultant.

Jane Ehrlich, a cat behaviorist, lists the three C's that cats hate: lack of choice, lack of control, and change. A closed door contains all three C's, making it a major stressor for cats.

The relationship between cats and their owners is also a factor that cannot be ignored. A 2017 study showed that cats prefer human interaction over food and toys. A closed door may be perceived by cats as an obstacle that prevents this interaction.

Additionally, cats do not have the same concept of time as humans, so they may not understand that a closed door is only temporary and may mistakenly believe that their location or access to important resources has been permanently lost.

Johnson recommends consistent environmental management, such as banning your cat from a certain room at all times, because sudden rule changes can be stressful for cats.

Dr Sueda also advises: 'If your cat's behaviour towards the door becomes extremely aggressive or you notice them meowing, flattening their ears or growling, you should consider consulting a vet as this may be a sign of a health problem.'

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in Science,   Creature, Posted by log1i_yk