IKEA launches preowned platform for buying and selling second-hand goods, allowing sellers to receive gift cards worth 115% of the selling price

IKEA has launched an online platform called ' IKEA preowned ' where you can buy and sell used IKEA products. IKEA preowned has launched in some countries, and sellers can receive 100% cash or 115% IKEA gift cards of the selling price.

IKEA preowned | IKEA


Ikea launches secondhand marketplace to compete with eBay

At the time of writing, IKEA preowned is only available in Madrid, Spain and Oslo, Norway, and the region selection screen will be displayed when you first access IKEA preowned.
'IKEA preowned' region selection page

The list page for used items listed looks like this. The used price and new price are displayed along with the product name.

'IKEA preowned' second-hand product list page

Each product detail page includes promotional photos from IKEA as well as photos of the used item taken by the seller.

'IKEA preowned' product details page

Sellers can freely decide the price of their used items, or they can simply apply the system's recommended price. In addition, when a used item is sold, the seller can receive either 100% of the selling price in cash or 115% of the selling price in IKEA gift cards.

Information for sellers of 'IKEA preowned'

There is no fee for listing on IKEA preowned, but Jesper Brodin, CEO of Inka Group, the company that operates IKEA, said, 'We may set a modest fee in the future.'

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in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf