Cases of burglars disrupting Wi-Fi security cameras to break into homes reported

In recent years, various manufacturers, such as Amazon's '

Ring ' and Anker's smart home brand ' Eufy ', have released security cameras that connect to home Wi-Fi. The Los Angeles Police Department in the United States is warning against cases of burglars using Wi-Fi jamming devices to disable security cameras before entering.

Burglars are jamming Wi-Fi security cameras — here's what you can do | PCWorld

According to the Los Angeles Police Department, there have been cases in the Wilshire area where groups of three to four people have used Wi-Fi jamming devices to break into victims' homes. The robbers are using Wi-Fi jamming devices to disable security camera functions such as 'notifying the police within a few seconds of the robber's intrusion.' In addition, some robbers have been reported to have cut off the power to the entire house they are invading, shutting down wired security cameras before committing their crimes.

Generally, the use of wireless signal jamming devices that intentionally disrupt radio waves from other devices, including Wi-Fi, is prohibited by law. However, wireless signal jamming devices are easy to create, and some malicious users are selling them one after another.

The Los Angeles Police Department suggests measures such as not telling anyone that you are going away on a trip, having a trusted neighbor collect your mail when you are away from home, and keeping lost property trackers such as

AirTags in expensive items like wallets and cars.

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Police Department has advised people to 'padlock electrical boxes,' but PCWorld, an overseas media outlet, points out that 'this won't stop a burglar with a bolt cutter,' and that 'there is very little to stop a burglar.'

Still, PCWorld advises, 'If you want peace of mind, use a security camera with built-in storage and batteries, such as Eufy's SoloCam series, and make sure you place it in a place that's hard to reach and not easily accessible.'

in Hardware,   Security, Posted by log1r_ut