Google has upgraded the free version of Gemini's AI model to Gemini 1.5 Flash, so I tried it out

Google's chat AI 'Gemini' was updated on Thursday, July 25, 2024, and even free users can now use the high-performance AI model '

Gemini 1.5 Flash .'

Gemini gets 1.5 Flash, a new related content feature and more

Gemini app feature updates

Gemini 1.5 Flash is a lightweight model that offers performance comparable to Gemini 1.5 Pro. In addition, the context window is 32,000 tokens, which is four times that of Gemini 1.0 Pro, allowing more information to be processed at once.

The results of actually using the free version of Gemini equipped with Gemini 1.5 Flash are as follows. When I typed in 'Tell me how to connect an M.2 SSD to a Raspberry Pi and boot from the SSD,' it started with a list of the necessary hardware, and then gave me detailed instructions on how to install the OS and various settings. At the time of writing, the official Raspberry Pi expansion board for SSD connection, ' Raspberry Pi M.2 HAT+ ,' had been released, but there was no description of this board.

The answers also include links to useful web pages. In this case, links to

articles from GIGAZINE and Zenn were displayed.

To test the image recognition performance, enter the following 'Graph comparing the transfer speeds of multiple storage devices' and listen to the contents of the graph.

When I entered the image above and asked 'Tell me what graph this is,' it summarized the uses of the measurement tools and the names of the storage devices that appear in the graph.

There is also a long list of information such as 'What can be read from the graph,' 'Situations in which the graph is useful,' and 'Information necessary for further analysis.'

In addition, I was able to roughly explain the contents of the summer greeting and have them create a well-structured message.

in Review,   Software,   Web Application, Posted by log1o_hf