Shinobu Otake is excited about everything & Mikako Tabe is excited about various things. Report on the stage greetings at the Osaka premiere screening of the movie 'Inside Out 2'

The Osaka premiere preview of Disney & Pixar's latest film ' Inside Out 2 ' was held at TOHO Cinemas Umeda on Monday, July 22, 2024, where Shinobu Otake, who plays Kanashimi, and Mikako Tabe, who plays Shinpai, gave a speech on stage. On the day of the speech, there was an incident where the Tokaido Shinkansen was

suspended , but Tabe managed to make it to Osaka, saying, 'I was worried all morning,' while Otake, who had visited Awaji Island for an event the day before and was in Osaka, said that even if the makeup artist might not be able to come, she thought, 'Whatever will be, will be,' showing a different level of nerve from Kanashimi.

Disney & Pixar's latest film 'Inside Out 2' official website | Movies | Disney Official

The event was hosted by freelance announcer Genta Aoki.

Otake and Tabe appeared on stage in dresses in colors that matched the characters they played.

Below is a brief summary of the exchange between the three of them.

MC: Genta Aoki (hereinafter, Aoki):
Today, the Tokaido Shinkansen was suspended, which I'm sure affected many people. First of all, Mr. Tabe, you just arrived in Osaka. How was it?

Mikako Tabe (hereinafter, Tabe), who plays Shinpai:
I can't believe I'm in Osaka right now.

(Audience laughs)

I wondered what would happen, but I'm happy to be here today and to be able to say hello. My name is Mikako Tabe. I look forward to speaking with you.

Did you take a detour, Tabe-san? Or did you come by air?

I came by plane.

I arrived by air, so I just arrived a little while ago. Thank you for your time. Next, Mr. Otake, please.

Shinobu Otake (hereinafter, Otake), who plays Kanashimi:
I had just come to Osaka from Awajishima, but the makeup artist came by plane because the Shinkansen wasn't running this morning, and just now did my makeup. I'm sorry for making you wait. But I'm glad that we were able to screen the movie.

Thank you for joining us today. You two have appeared on stage at the stage greeting to announce the completion of the dubbed version and at the special event in Japan, but today is the Osaka premiere screening. How do you feel right now?

When I met the director and producer the other day, I found them to be truly kind people, and I was reminded that it took more than four years to make this film and that each cut was made with love and dedication. This made me really feel that I want as many people as possible to see it.

I saw the previous film at the cinema and found it very impressive and moving, so as a fan I was very happy to be able to take part in the project as a new character, Shinpai, with new emotions...However, because Shinpai is a stirring up character, I have been worrying ever since about whether I did a good job.

How did you feel about being able to use your voice to contribute to a piece of work that you love?

I was very happy. I think that everyone has their own favorite Pixar films, not just Inside Out, but I also have my own favorites, and this was one of my favorite films that I saw in the cinema, so I'm very happy.

Has it been a while since you two last came to Osaka? I heard that Otake-san was in Awajishima yesterday.

Yesterday I had

a live performance with Midoriko Kimura . I came to Osaka this spring to perform in a play called 'Sweeney Todd.'

I would like to hear if there is any episode that happened in Osaka that is related to your character.

It's the same today. I can't say anything funny, so everyone is worried, 'Ugh, this isn't funny. I wonder if he'll say the punch line or something.' (laughs)

I think the people in front of me are hoping for a punch line.

This is just my image, but I think people in Osaka think that if you can't say something funny... That's why I'm worried about whether everyone will enjoy themselves today.

That's not the case, is it?

(Applause from the audience)

What about you, Otake-san?

When my children were still small, I tried not to do many regional performances, but I ended up performing in Osaka. I was very worried and sad because my children were still small, but the audience in Osaka laughed with all their might when they laughed, and I was moved by their warmth, thinking, 'They've waited so long for me, and when they laugh, they laugh so clearly.'

I'd like to ask you about the film. What are your thoughts on it?

Of course I liked the first one, but the second one is more complicated with new emotions appearing, and I'm more moved by it. Ah, I'm saying this even before I've seen it (laughs).

(Audience laughs)

It's true.

As people grow up, they start to develop complex emotions.

From simple childhood emotions like 'Mama, hold me' or 'I don't like this,' the emotions gradually become more complex. There is a very memorable line in the film that says, 'As we grow up, joy becomes less present,' but that's why I thought it was so moving when those emotions first appeared.

Many new emotions emerge, and as Riley reaches adolescence, complex emotions that everyone has experienced, and may still be experiencing, emerge within Riley, and she goes on an adventure, striving to improve herself. I think it's a work that everyone can empathize with, that every emotion is necessary for you, that affirms and accepts your individuality, and I was very moved by it...I know that's a bit strange to say, but (laughs), I think there will be a lot of scenes that you can empathize with.

I would also like to hear about the appeal of the characters you play.

As his name suggests, Shinpai is a character who worries a lot, worries ahead of time, and tends to go a little out of control as he tries to somehow solve the future on his own, but worry is also a very necessary emotion, and I think you will find him lovable and charming.

Do you have a lot of 'sympathy' within yourself?

I don't think there are many, but what do you think? (Laughs) I don't know (Laughs)

(Audience laughs)

But it’s an important emotion.

That's right, it's an emotion that you should not worry about.

Were you worried that you might not make it to Osaka today?

I woke up at 6am and was worried from the moment I got the call.

What about you, Otake-san?

Sadness has this texture, this fat feeling. Even though it's sad, it's fat (laughs).

(Audience laughs)

Also, the way he talks, like 'Uuuuween', is cute. He does his best to be sad so that Riley can be happy, but I love his physique, and the stuffed toys of the characters, Embarrassed and Sad, are very fat and feel really good when you hold them.

Today is the Osaka premiere screening, so we have prepared the following. There are a total of nine emotions in the film, and on the back of each of the nine takoyaki tags is an emotional character, so we would like you to draw one and tell us an episode related to that character. First, Mr. Otake.

'Dally.' Always Dally.

(Audience laughs)

On days when I have work, I work hard and it brings me joy, but when I don't have work, I just lie on the sofa all day and somehow manage to squeeze in things that need to be done in between my work, like cooking dinner or taking in the laundry.

That's important too. If you try your best all the time, you'll end up tired.

I always think it must be a lonely life when Darry comes around (laughs), but I like Darry.

Is there a place in the house where Dally feels most relaxed?

Just like in the movies, I feel really happy when I'm lying on the edge of the sofa.

Now, please draw, Tabe-san.

'Embarrassing'... Is it an embarrassing episode? ...I forgot to take my house key with me when I left the house...?

Did you feel embarrassed afterwards?

So, he couldn't get into his house and they opened it for him.

I'm embarrassed to ask after all.

I do it a lot, so it's not that embarrassing (laughs).

Do you do that often? (laughs) Today, we have one more question for our guests: We asked them to write about 'a character that has emotions that don't appear in the story.' First, let's start with Tabe-san.

I wonder if you can see it because it's small. I'm nervous. I'm sorry to talk about what happened today, but when I woke up this morning, I was thinking about Osaka all the way to here, and I was nervous at home wondering what to do, and I was nervous until I got to the airport, wondering if I would really get there, standing here, and worried about whether everyone would enjoy it. I'm going to move after this, and I'm nervous wondering if anything will happen...

(Audience laughs)

Did you have to wait long at the airport?

Yes. I was worried that it would be okay to take off when I got to my seat on the plane. I was also wondering if it would be okay to make it on time when I was waiting for my luggage to come out, but the driver told me that the roads were congested, and when I arrived, I arrived about 50 minutes early, had my makeup done...

You made it in time, but are you still nervous?

To be honest, I had no idea I was going to be speaking in front of so many people, and I'm feeling nervous, wondering if it's okay and that everyone will be watching from now on.

By the way, is your house key safe?

Huh? Yes. Yes! Yes!

(Audience laughs)

What about you, Otake-san?

'Excited.' I'm the kind of person who wants to enjoy pretty much everything, so when something new happens, like when a drama starts and a new script arrives, or when the score for a new play arrives, I get excited thinking, 'I wonder how I'll be able to do this?' I get excited about everything. When I make a side dish for the first time, I get excited thinking about what my son will say. I don't usually have any reaction though (laughs).

(Audience laughs)

But it's wonderful to have excitement in your life. Weren't you nervous today because the makeup artist might not be able to come?

Not at all.

(Audience laughs)

Well, I guess it can't be helped, I'll just let things be what they will be. I'm not nervous or worried.

By the way, Taba-san, are you excited?

It would be sad if there wasn't one (laughs). I'm sure there is one, but right now I'm so nervous that I can't think of anything (laughs).

Finally, please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release of this film.

I'm sure there are many people who love the previous film 'Inside Out,' and I'm sure this one will be a touching and moving story for both big fans and first-time viewers. I think it's a film that will make you want to go to the cinema not just today, but many times over, so please enjoy it for the first time today. Thank you very much.

I'm sorry I'm a little late in getting back to you today, despite your busy schedule. And thank you for choosing this movie in this heat. I think that after watching this movie, you'll feel that the world needs to be filled with joy, so I hope you enjoy it. I think it will be a great addition to your summer vacation, so I hope you'll enjoy it.

The movie 'Inside Out 2' will be released on Thursday, August 1, 2024.

'Inside Out 2' official trailer (Japanese version of the end song 'Present' performed by SEKAI NO OWARI) | Released in theaters on Thursday, August 1st! - YouTube

◆Inside Out 2 movie information
Released in theaters nationwide on Thursday, August 1, 2024

Director: Kelsey Mann (Monsters University, Onward)
Produced by: Mark Nielsen (Toy Story 4)

Riley: Naho Yokomizo
Joy: Ami Koshimizu
Sadness: Shinobu Otake
Anchor: Jin Urayama
Annoyed: Yuka Komatsu
Scaredy: Koji Ochiai
Worrying: Mikako Tabe
Embarrassed: Murakami (Magical Lovely)
Good: Kana Hanazawa
Darry: Maaya Sakamoto

Japanese Ending Song: 'Present' Performed by SEKAI NO OWARI
Distributor: Walt Disney Japan
©2024 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

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