"Director Shinkai Makoto and starring Kanemoto Hisako & Kazuhiko Inouga" Child of the Stars "Completed Show Preview Premiere Stage Greeting Report

On April 26'Children following the stars' completed preliminary show preview and stage greetings were held. Mr. Kanehiko Inoue who played Makoto Kanamoto, Mr. Ryusi Morisaki (Morisaki) who played the heroine Watase Asuka (Asuna), was on the stage.

Detailed report on the stage greetings, including Kimoto-san who participated for the first time in Shinkai directed work, images of the appearance of drafts and works of Mr. Inoue who will participate for the second time, points of works by Shinkai directed by . There is also a scene cut of the work.

Please note that people who do not want to touch everything spoiled up to the movie theater because it was a talk after the pre-screening meeting because they touched quite a deep part of the work.

So, I would like to welcome guests of today from this. Thank you everyone for the great applause. Kimoto Kazuhiko, Mr. Kanohiko Inoue, and Mr. Shinkai Makoto who are performing voice in "Children following Children".

Mr. Kazuhiko Inoue from left, Ms. Kumoto Hoshiko, Director Shinkai Makoto.

As for the stage greetings after the screening, first of all, how was the movie?

(Clapping at the venue)

I am going to go before the screening as it is a normal stage greeting, but today I think that the thought that everyone felt comes out in the story by saying that it is after the screening. Well then, I hope that you can add words one by one based on the impressions of everyone refreshing preview screening.

First of all, Kanemoto Hoshiko who was responsible for the voice of the hero Asuna.

Kimoto Hisako:
Hello, thank you for coming today. It is Kimoto Hisako who let me do Asuna. Thank you.

Thank you very much. Continued, Mr. Kazuhiko Inoue who was in charge of Ryuji Morisaki.

Kazuhiko Inoue:
Hello everyone Good evening, Kazuhiko Inoue. I am happy to have a wonderful role called Morisaki Ryushi. Thank you very much for coming today.

Thank you very much. And, Director Shinkai Makoto serves as the original of this movie, screenplay, and director.

Makoto Shinkai:
Hello, my name is Shinkai. I made this animated movie with the power of many people. Today I will stand on behalf of that, but please ask me that there are about 200 people behind me. Thank you.

I think I will ask the story at once. First of all, Kimoto, this time, I think that it was serious in important roles, first participated in the Shinkai director's work?

I was really nervous at first ... .... Director's work has a delicate and soft image and I was nervous to be able to express such movements of mind, but gradually I got into the director's work gradually after I let you Asuna, from the middle really I enjoyed it.

Asuna played by Kimoto.

Because it was my first time to meet with the director, I thought if it was a tough person as a director of the animation, so what kind of person was I supposed to be, because Shinkai was a very kind and soft one, I was very relaxed It was.

Thank you very much.

Mr. Inoue said "Place promised over the clouds"It was the second Shinkai's director's work since then, how was this time?

This time the director, it was hard. No way to bring a whip to the on-the-spot scene ... ... It's a joke (lol)
I sit all the way next to Mr. Mitsuya (Yuji) of director after dubbing, sticking to every single word, sticking to sticking out and continuing the recording, so I will repeat the scene several times , I felt it got better and better each time.

Morisaki played by Inoue.

The strength of the thought on the director's work has come out, and it usually dents when I do it many times, but there is not such a thing and there is a place where I was driven by the desire to "make it better".
It was the same as last time, but before I entered the studio I met with Kimoto once at another studio and let me make a contribution as I tried to engage together so that I could make a role, so recording was very smooth Proceeded to.

Thank you very much. Director, finally the work touched the customer's eyes, but what kind of feeling have you gotten up to the stage?

In the past two years I have been making it for someone to see, so I felt "I finally finished my work". I am sorry for dubbing over and over again.

How was it, Dr. Kimoto. Were you nervous with the big veteran Inoue?

I was really nervous.

It's a lie (lol)

Mr. Inoue got very kind to me and got some advice while many other senior citizens came, and I was able to collect and help everyone.

Mr. Inoue, how was it?

I was nervous (lol)
A lot of scenes with a seriously serious and tense feeling are coming out of the work, is it because it is because it is a work, I wonder if it is quietly recording with intervals turning on like a steam mask that everyone can watch It was.

How was it when you saw the finished version?

When I first saw it, I was honest, I saw it while doing my own extravaganza, but when I saw it for the second time I got into the work, when all the music and so on mixed up, it would be such a work I felt that. At the time of dubbing, I felt the scenery and the atmosphere of the place that I did not understand more realistically, I knew the story of the future, but I thought what would happen until the end.

Morisaki does not appear at first. But, the moment the movie began, I was overwhelmed by insanely beautiful paintings, healed like being in nature and watching while thinking "Wow ... ..." I was talking and speaking unexpectedly .
When I noticed, "Morisaki: Kazuhiko Inoue" came out at the last end roll and finally forgot about myself for thinking "I was doing it too".

Although the work of Director Shinkai each time the scene is really beautiful, is it true that Morisaki was made by imagining Inoue in advance in this work?

Yes. From the story of the storyboard and screenplay it was written as Atter (assuming the actor) while thinking "This is Inoue san kana". Morisaki is a bit complicated character, heroine is Asuna, but the main character of the shadow is Morisaki. There is also a gentle moment for Asuna for a moment, there is also a scary moment that changes suddenly in full. I thought that Mr. Inoue would be able to do the complexity of adults' unknown feeling when seen from a child, "What are they thinking about adults", he was doing it without permission from the beginning .

Yes, it was very difficult.

Try playing each character, what kind of character did you think it was yourself?

Asuna was firm for children and I thought that they were far from theirs. However, it seemed impressive that children gradually returned as the work progressed, and traveled with Dr. Morisaki and thought "It seems like a dad", and gradually lived.
There were lots of important lines, and I thought that it was important though I thought that it was really difficult to say that it was somewhat like a line of speech or what I thought I wanted to do.

Morisaki is an adult at first glance, but it has become like this from the kindness that thinks of his wife, and I played it while feeling something like a sort of man as a man. Asuna said "It seems like a father" to have a scene that I can not help thinking, but I felt that it is something awkward to be shy, gentle, clumsy and irregular.
The director told me that I imagined and wrote my voice, but while I was thinking that there was not much Morisaki-like place in me, I tried to do whip by myself while thinking that "hmmmoo ...... Ganbarou" .

Asuna is a difficult character after all, I was at a loss as to whom to ask. Asuna does not know only for children what you do. Do you like Shun-kun, what do you want to go to Agarta? It is a very complex character with a character that realizes that I just missed it while moving the body without knowing and keeping running while telling the story. I thought that such a character is a heroine is to make a movie in two hours, even if making it is difficult. I want a person who will pull the story. That role is exactly Morisaki.

The boy Asuna met, Shun (CV: Freedom Irino).

As Morisaki is a character that is what is to be done by himself and it is a character that he does not want to do otherwise, what distance is the balance between the two? In this work, all of the characters are pointing towards each other little by little, and since it is a work that repeats the distance approaching and leaving little by little, we can somehow feel the personality-like character in the characters drawn by hand I thought it was thanks to the performance of the voice actors who gave me a voice.

"5 Centimeters Per Second"From now on, what kind of work will I have been waiting forever? I think that this work, the idea was long ago.

I answered in some interviews, I wrote it all in the movie brochure ... ... I'd like you to pick it up (venue haha)
The chance was a book I read when I was an elementary school student, and the underground world Agarta is from that book. However, the author of that book died on the way and was incomplete. Supplementary endings are written by other people, but saying, "I do not want to read it differently," I thought from about the age of ten, and I wonder what kind of story I would like to see I have been thinking about for a while. That is one chance.
Also, for the first time in the book I realized that for the first time that "people will die", "that people ended up doing what they've been doing for the long time" is "people will die" And ... In that sense, I think that it was a story I wanted to make from the time I was a child.

Do the two of you talk about these when casting?

I heard this for the first time.

(Venue lol)

It's unnecessary information (lol)

I think that each of the lines was deep and it took quite some time for the script.

I started writing this script when I was in London for about a year and a half. Although I want to make adventure things, I want to write stories that ascend to the sky anywhere, seize something, but I can not write it by all means. As a result, I started sinking deep into the bottom of the earth, finding something important at the bottom, I could just notice it, I thought it would be better to come back to the ground and started writing.
So, the air of London 's dazzling air may be influenced, and it is a work I started making with such feelings that I feel like lowering my feelings downward rather than going up.

How was your feeling when reading the script for the first time?

I thought that there are various themes. I read through Asuna's point of view and thought that this journey looked like a completely different thing from other characters, I read it over and over again.

I thought "People are terrible". Going into the place living peacefully in the basement and vandalizing ...... People's living way, how are you made me think so much about how people should live? Various characters come out, but each one was lively and received the feeling that it really exists there.
I think that I saw the movie also today, but I think that it is a work that you can feel various things every time I watch it many times. So, please watch a lot.

Amongst some impressive serifs in the works, Asuna and Shin says to Morisaki Serif "I heard a voice to live with the loss, it is a curse given to a human being, I thought that it is also a blessing "is very poetic and I think that it resonates, but what is your thought in this word?

This word is also commonplace, is not it? To lose an important person is that there is more than a person can not live forever, living with loss is a matter of course. I've accumulated it for two hours to remind me that it is "Oh, that's right."
Another thing, when Shin broke Cravis (the key to the underground world Agarta), he shouts that "what is alive is important", is not it? I think that Shin felt at that moment, rather than a message of myself or a work, "Asuna is important."

A boy in Agarta, Shin (CV: Freedom Irino)

But for Morisaki the dead is much more important, is not it? I think that is not a mistake. For example, some dead pets are important for the rest of their lives, others live next door are important.
It is an animation that I thought that I wanted to make one animation work so that I do not know which one is the most correct, so there are plenty of places I think it is difficult, I do not know if I can see it well I think that I want to see it again thinking such a place.

Please give me a message at the end.

It is a really wonderful work, I think that it is a work that you want many people to see for years and decades. Publication will start from May 7th. By all means, please give me a message game so that a lot of people can see it. Thank you for today.

The impression that I received from this work usually makes me think straight out of things that I can not imagine straight, and it will be an opportunity to talk with other people, and I can not touched the subjectivity, life and death quite easily So I think that it is a work that you can talk as various people and familiar people and say, "Oh it was this, was not it?"
I would like to go out with my family and important people. So, I hope everyone will visit again once again.

About 10 years ago, I started making animation from 50 small theaters by making a work called "Hoshino goe" by himself. There are about 200 staff now and it is the reason why we keep making the work in this way because everyone who is watching from "Hoshino Seika" who is here and who supports it and the staff around us Thanks. I am planning to release balls with full power, so please write about how you felt received this, and also by all means on the net. I will search and see.

(Venue lol)

Please also look. I'm really thankful to you.

A state of a photo session after talk end.

This is a scene cut of the work. Delicate beautiful scenery is transmitted.

"Agarta" which came out also at the talk event is the underground world which is said to be a place where all secrets of the world that all wishes come true are hidden. "Arkangeljel" is the only organization that understands the existence of Agarta on the ground. He keeps track of the secret of Agarta and also possesses a powerful army.

The key to Agarta, "Kravis". It is a special crystal of ore and demonstrates various abilities by the user.

"Quetzartle" is a god who gave spirit and civilization to mankind, its appearance varied. It seems that somebody remains on the ground as a gatekeeper to Agarta.

A huge ship over the sky of Agarta "Shakuna Vimana".

A huge hole at the end of Agarta "Finis · Terra".

In Agarta, "Eucho (Isoku)" with substance only in the dark. It is a maintenance mechanism that human beings' negative thoughts accumulate and keeps the world as it is.

The movie "Chasing a Star" is a nationwide road show on May 7th at Cinema Sunshine Ikebukuro, Shinjuku Baltic 9 and others. Shinkai Makoto coachOn May 4th, participate in "Machi ★ Assobi vol.6", We are supposed to do a talk show talking about the work, so please come and visit those who can come here as well.

© Makoto Shinkai / CMMMY

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