Trump's Instagram and Facebook accounts will soon be unrestricted to ensure fairness among candidates in the 2024 election

Former President Donald Trump has been

selected as the Republican candidate for the 2024 US presidential election. With the presidential election approaching, Meta has announced that it will lift the enhanced account restrictions it had imposed on Trump.

Ending Suspension of Trump's Accounts With New Guardrails to Deter Repeat Offenses | Meta

In 2020, then-President Trump, near the end of his term, claimed that the 2020 election in which he ran against Joe Biden was fraudulent. Later, Trump supporters who believed this claim stormed the U.S. Capitol. In response to this series of events, Meta immediately froze Trump's account and banned him indefinitely.

Facebook, Twitch, and Shopify suddenly ban President Trump indefinitely - GIGAZINE

Shortly after the ban, Metarequested the Oversight Committee to consider the legitimacy of the ban. About four months later, the Oversight Committee submitted an opinion supporting the ban but stating that the current measure, which does not set a deadline, is problematic. In response to the Oversight Committee's response, Meta decided to impose a time-limited suspension for two years from the date of the initial suspension on January 7, 2021. On January 25, 2023, Meta lifted Trump's account suspension with restrictions. The restrictions at this time refer to increased penalties for repeated violations, and with these restrictions, if Trump posts content that violates Meta's terms of service, the content will be deleted and he will be suspended for one month to two years depending on the severity of the violation.

Content that violates the terms of service includes, for example, content that discourages the next election or content related to QAnon, and if such posts are repeated, Trump's posts will not be distributed in the feed even if you follow Trump. This measure applies not only to Trump, but also to other public figures who have been suspended in connection with the civil unrest and have since been reinstated.

On July 12, 2024, with the next presidential election approaching, Meta announced that it would lift the restrictions it had imposed on Trump.

Meta said it believes Americans should have equal access to hear the views of presidential candidates, and said, 'After weighing the pros and cons of allowing political expression against our responsibility to avoid risks to human rights, we have decided to exempt Trump from the increased restrictions.'

Regarding content censorship, Meta said, 'We don't want to get in the way of an open, public democratic debate. The public should be able to hear what their politicians have to say, the good, the bad, and the ugly. But that doesn't mean there are no limits to what people can say. We will take action when there is a clear risk of real harm. Some say we should remove more content, others say we're becoming tyrannical censors. We believe it's necessary and possible to draw the line between content that is harmful and should be removed, and content that is part of a free society, no matter how unpleasant or inaccurate it may be. We're publishing our community standards so you can see where we draw the line.'

in Web Service, Posted by log1p_kr