How was the high difficulty version of Tetris 'HATETRIS' conquered?

A derivative of 'TETRIS', which removes multiple blocks by arranging them, is 'HATETRIS', in which only blocks of unpleasant shapes fall endlessly. David, a materials science engineer, and Felipe, a software developer who run a joint blog together, explain how and the history of achieving a world record with HATETRIS.

Getting the World Record in HATETRIS | Hall of Impossible Dreams

In a typical Tetris game, the next block to fall is determined randomly, but in HATETRIS, the next block is always determined by an algorithm. The algorithm first examines the board, finds the highest stacked block, and then calculates which block to drop to best benefit the player. Then, it deliberately chooses the block that it thinks will be the most damaging to drop onto the board.

You can check out the review article for 'HATETRIS' below. According to David, the block that appears at the start of the game, the second and third blocks are always 'S-shaped', and most other blocks also follow the S-shape. During the review, S-shaped blocks continued to appear as expected.

Tetris 'HATETRIS' where the most annoying blocks keep falling mercilessly - GIGAZINE

HATETRIS is difficult because the algorithm keeps dropping annoying blocks, but on the flip side, it means that you can predict the next block to a certain extent. If you can predict, you can develop a strategy, and if you hone your strategy, you should be able to aim for a high score.

Soon after its release, HATETRIS added a replay function and a leaderboard, and players from all over the world began competing for high scores. Initially, the highest score was 11 points, but in the following month it continued to improve to 17, 20, 22, 28, and finally a score of 30 points was achieved by a Japanese player, Deasuke. Deasuke's strategy was considered to be the limit of what a human could execute, and the score of 30 points was not broken for the next seven years.

However, around 2017, a score of 31 was obtained, and in June 2021, knewjade optimized the last few moves of the existing strategy and obtained a score of 32, and two days later, a score of 34. In addition, knewjade said, 'It is made clear that all steps after 32ines are scores obtained by the program.' knewjade is running a machine search program and achieved a record of 66 points in late August 2021.

David and Felipe had been using machine search approaches for some time, but after knowewjade's record of 66 points and the publication of his own method on GitHub, they decided to take a modified approach to knowjade's method.

After getting the parameters from knewjade, David and his team refined their approach, trained a machine learning model, tested it on the HATETRIS emulator, and ultimately achieved a score of 86 points.

According to David et al., due to the nature of the HATETRIS algorithm, stacking blocks as high as possible makes it easier to predict the next block, but their approach did not stack blocks as high as possible. Therefore, there is room for further optimization.

In addition, knewjade achieved 289 points in November 2022. This record has already been broken at the time of writing.

Reached 289 lines in HATETRIS using Neural Networks · GitHub

in Game, Posted by log1p_kr