Google has implemented an Easter egg that lets you search for a font and see the results in that font

Google Search has several Easter eggs that display special effects in addition to search results when you enter a specific word. A new Easter egg has been discovered that allows you to search by font name and have the font in the search results change to that font.

If you search for ' Comic Sans ,' which is considered a lame font overseas, you'll get the following results. The alphabet and numbers are displayed in Comic Sans.

The Google font '

Open Sans ' includes Japanese characters, so the entire page was displayed in Open Sans.


Times New Roman ' provided by FontPlus


Impact ' - lots of text in a limited space

This is what ' Roboto ' looks like. However, it does not support all fonts, and it seems to be limited to popular fonts.

in Review,   Web Service,   Design, Posted by log1i_yk