SpaceX builds NASA spacecraft to drop the International Space Station back to Earth


International Space Station will cease operation in 2030 and be dropped back to Earth. SpaceX has been selected to manufacture the spacecraft that will carry out this task.

NASA Selects International Space Station US Deorbit Vehicle - NASA

Problems with the ISS's aging components have been reported, and it has already been decided that it will cease operations within 2030. After the end of its operations, it will deorbit and be dropped into an area of the South Pacific Ocean called ' Point Nemo ' on Earth.

Plans to drop the International Space Station to Earth announced - GIGAZINE

The manufacturing of the spacecraft that will perform the deorbiting process will be entrusted to SpaceX, owned by businessman Elon Musk. SpaceX will develop and manufacture the spacecraft, and the ownership of the manufactured spacecraft will be transferred to NASA, who will operate the spacecraft during the mission. The spacecraft will disassemble as part of the re-entry process.

The contract that NASA signed with SpaceX is said to be worth a total of $843 million (approximately 140 billion yen).

'Selecting an American deorbiter for the International Space Station will help NASA and our international partners safely and responsibly manage the station's end of operations,' said Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for NASA's Space Operations Mission Directorate.

The International Space Station will be operated by the United States, Japan, Canada, and other member countries of the European Space Agency until 2030, and Russia has committed to continuing operation until at least 2028. NASA has stated that 'the safe deorbit of the International Space Station is the responsibility of all five space agencies.'

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