Why are humans, who don't have huge brains, more intelligent than other animals?

It has been shown that mammals such as whales and dolphins have high intelligence, such as the

ability to sing and communicate , but they are said to be inferior to human intelligence , such as the ability to empathize with others and use tools. The science-related YouTube channel Kurzgesagt explains why.

Our Brains Are Not Special. But Why Are We? #shorts - YouTube

The size of the human brain is not particularly large compared to other mammals, and is not significantly different from the brains of dogs or whales.

Additionally, the structure of

neurons , the cells that make up the brains of living organisms, is similar between humans and mice.

However, the human brain has a much larger number of neurons than any other mammal.

Kurzgesagt likens this to 'putting a good engine, like

a V8 , in a hatchback .'

Some mammals have brains that are larger than humans, and elephants have about three times as many neurons as humans.

However, 97.5% of its neurons are needed to handle its large body and are largely unused for thinking.

Instead, humans are able to use neurons for thinking without dealing with large bodies.

In other words, the reason humans are more intelligent is simply because they have a greater ability to think.

'It's nothing more special than that,' Kurzgesagt pointed out, which is both fascinating and unfortunate at the same time.

in Science,   Creature,   Video, Posted by log1r_ut