I tried three kinds of Kentucky American burgers, including 'Amazing Onion Fillet Burger with Garlic Sauce' which has onion rings sandwiched between two pieces of chicken

The ' Amazing Meat Onion Fillet Burger with Garlic Sauce ,' which is made by sandwiching onion rings and cheese between two boneless Kentucky burgers, will be available at KFC from Wednesday, May 29, 2024. In addition, on the same day, two types of 'The American Burgers,' ' Bacon Fillet Burger with Smoky Tomato Sauce ' and ' Onion Fillet Burger with Garlic Sauce, ' were also introduced as 'The American Burgers,' and three side dishes inspired by retro American tastes were also introduced. I was curious about what each one tasted like, so I bought them all and tried them.

[KFC's new retro American gourmet food is here!] Enjoy three types of authentic burgers using American ingredients 'The American Burgers' will be available in limited quantities from Wednesday, May 29th ~ Three new side dishes inspired by 'retro American' will also be available ~ | KFC Holdings Japan, Ltd.


Arrived at Kentucky Fried Chicken.

The menu highlights the American Burgers and various side dishes.

I ordered three burgers and three side dishes to take home.

The burger wrappers are different colors depending on the type, and each one has its name written on them, which makes it easy to tell them apart when buying in bulk.

◆ Onion fillet burger with garlic sauce
The appearance of the 'Amazing Meat Onion Fillet Burger with Garlic Sauce' is like this. Onion rings and cheese are sandwiched between two boneless Kentucky.

The center of the burger is sandwiched with white mayonnaise sauce.

And between the boneless Kentucky and cheese was a special sauce made with garlic and pepper.

When you eat it, two boneless Kentucky burgers enter your mouth at the same time, making it very voluminous, and the garlic sauce gives it a punch. The combination of boneless Kentucky burgers and onion rings is quite greasy, but the sourness of the mayonnaise sauce leaves a refreshing aftertaste, which is an interesting point. It's a large burger with 610 kcal and 44.4 g of protein, but the refreshing aftertaste helped me to eat it easily.

◆Bacon fillet burger with smoky tomato sauce
Next, I will try the 'Bacon Fillet Burger with Smoky Tomato Sauce'.

The filling is boneless Kentucky, bacon, lettuce, and sauce. It's hard to see in the photo, but there's red tomato sauce underneath the boneless Kentucky.

The tomato sauce has a rich, concentrated flavor that seems to have been simmered in a pot. The bacon has a firm texture and is just as chewy as the boneless Kentucky. The tomato sauce goes well with the boneless Kentucky and bacon, and all the ingredients complement each other to create a highly complete burger.

◆Onion Fillet Burger with Garlic Sauce
'Onion fillet burger with garlic sauce' looks like this.

Between the buns are boneless Kentucky Fried Chicken, cheese, onion rings, and lettuce.

On top is white mayonnaise sauce.

The bottom part is coated with special garlic sauce.

When I tried it, I felt the taste of garlic sauce and mayo sauce more strongly because there was less boneless Kentucky compared to the 'Amazing Meat Onion Fillet Burger with Garlic Sauce'. The garlic sauce had a very strong garlic flavor, but what remained afterwards was the sourness of the mayo sauce, and the aftertaste was refreshing.

◆Furi Furi Potato (Sour Cream Onion)
'Furi Furi Potato (Sour Cream Onion)' is a set menu that includes 'potatoes,' 'sour cream onion powder,' and 'paper bag to mix the potatoes and powder in.'

Put sour cream, onion powder and potatoes into a paper bag and shake.

When I tried it, it tasted just like sour cream and onion flavored potato chips.

◆Almond Apple Pie
The 'Almond Apple Pie' comes in a paper bag like this.

This is 'Almond Apple Pie.'

Inside was almond paste and well-boiled apple sauce. The apple sauce was a sweet type with no sourness, which went perfectly with the sweet almond paste. The pie crust was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

◆Cranberry Lemonade Soda
Finally, try the 'Cranberry Lemonade Soda'.

'Cranberry Lemonade Soda' is reddish purple. It has a stronger cranberry flavor than lemon, and tastes like the 'berry-flavored American sweets' you see in imported food stores.

In addition, the 'Amazing Meat Onion Fillet Burger with Garlic Sauce' is 790 yen including tax, 'Bacon Fillet Burger with Smoky Tomato Sauce' and 'Onion Fillet Burger with Garlic Sauce' are 540 yen including tax, 'Furifuri Potato (Sour Cream Onion)' is 320 yen including tax, 'Almond Apple Pie' is 290 yen including tax, and 'Cranberry Lemonade Soda' is 300 yen including tax, all of which will be available for order at Kentucky Fried Chicken nationwide from Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1o_hf