White House calls on companies, Congress to take voluntary steps to curb the creation, distribution and monetization of abusive AI imagery

Image-based sexual abuse using AI and other technologies has been on the rise in recent years, and is a serious problem, particularly as it often targets women, girls, and the LGBTQI+ community. To address this issue, the government is calling on technology companies and civil society to work together to promote voluntary efforts to prevent and mitigate image-based sexual abuse.

A Call to Action to Combat Image-Based Sexual Abuse | GPC | The White House

With the advent of AI, anyone can now generate the images they want. However, while image generation AI technology advances, there is concern that AI can easily create problematic sexual content, such as fake pornography and child pornography.

The Biden Administration is calling on payment platforms and financial institutions to restrict payment services to sites and mobile apps whose primary business is image-based sexual abuse, particularly those that distribute explicit images of minors. It is also calling on cloud service providers and mobile app stores to restrict the use of web services and mobile apps designed to create or alter sexual images without an individual's consent, and is proposing requirements for app developers to prevent the generation of images without an individual's consent.

Additionally, the report called on developers of mobile apps and operating systems to better protect content stored on digital devices and implement technological safeguards to prevent images from being shared without consent.

In addition, we called on platform operators to provide mechanisms to enable victims of image-based sexual abuse to easily and safely remove relevant content from participating online platforms, and encouraged their support and participation in services that provide redress to victims.

The Biden administration also calls on Congress to 'strengthen legal protections for victims and survivors of image-based sexual abuse' and 'provide significant resources for victims and survivors of image-based sexual abuse.'

'When generative AI emerged, everyone was speculating about where the first real harm would occur, and I think we now have the answer,' Arati Prabhakar, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and chief science adviser to the Biden administration, told The Associated Press.

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