Pornhub blocks all access from Utah

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A law requiring age verification of viewers for organizations that provide pornography on the Internet went into effect in Utah on May 2, 2023. In response to this, Pornhub, one of the world's largest pornographic sites, completely blocks access from Utah IP addresses and directs them to a movie explaining that the site cannot be accessed.

Pornhub Blocks All of Utah From Its Site

This problem was triggered by a bill called 'SB0287: Online Pornography Viewing Age Requirements'. The outline is `` Obligations and responsibilities for commercial companies that provide harmful pornography etc. to minors '', in short, we ask operators of pornographic sites to confirm the age of the viewer. There is also a disclaimer that ISPs and hosters are not responsible unless you are the content creator.


'Harmful pornography' is also defined. The legally stiff expression continues, but in summary, regardless of whether the drawing method is live action, animation, or other drawing methods, the target depiction is 'pubic hair, anus, vulva, genitals, female nipples', 'nipples/breasts/ Touching/kneading/caressing the buttocks/anus/genitals', 'sexual intercourse, masturbation, intercourse using non-genital organs, bestiality, oral sex, flogging, excretion, exposure, and any other sexual activity'.

Bill SB0287 was successfully passed by Congress and signed into law by Governor Spencer Cox in March 2023. It will come into effect on May 2nd.

In response, Pornhub will not show the site if accessed from an IP address in Utah, instead adult performer and defense panel member Sherry Dabeel explains 'why the site becomes inaccessible.' I took measures to show the movie. Below is the movie.

Age Verification Updates* - Vimeo

In the movie Mr. Dabeer says as follows.

“Safety and compliance are the main missions of Pornhub, but asking for an ID card every time you visit our platform is not an effective solution to protect our users, rather it protects our children and your privacy. I'll put you in danger.'

“Age verification mandates without proper enforcement give platforms the opportunity to choose whether or not to comply. Few sites do as much as we do, and any law must be enforced against all platforms that serve pornographic content to protect the privacy of children and your users. ”

“I believe the best and most effective solution is to identify the user on their device and allow access to age-restricted content and sites based on that identification. Until then, we made the difficult decision to completely disable access from Utah, contact our delegates before it's too late, and implement a device-based Please request an age verification solution for

The law that the operating site is responsible for ``content that is harmful to minors'' was first enacted in Louisiana in January 2023. Other states have followed suit, with Arkansas also enacting legislation.

In addition, Utah has historically many followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as 'Mormonism' because it uses the scripture 'Book of Mormon', and most of the members of Congress are believers. Among its precepts is the 'Law of Chastity,' which stipulates that 'only after marriage is one permitted to have sexual relations with one's spouse.' I'm here.

Under these circumstances, in 2016, the Utah State House of Representatives passed a resolution that 'pornography is a public health crisis.' Also at this time, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the second-highest organization of leadership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, likened pornography to epidemics such as bird flu, cholera, diphtheria, and polio. “It needs to be eradicated,” he said.

Utah's Legislature Has Declared Porn a 'Public Health Crisis'

Governor Cox has taken a tough stance on porn, signing a law requiring manufacturers to add porn content filters to all smartphones and tablets sold in Utah in 2021. It may not be easy to restore access to Pornhub.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by logc_nt