What would happen if you re-enacted the incident where a goose hit the handsome model Fabio Lanzoni in slow motion?

In 1999, Italian model

Fabio Lanzoni was riding a newly built roller coaster for a promotional event when he was hit head-on by a flying goose. 25 years later, a video of the accident has been re-enacted in super slow motion and made public.

75mph Bird to the Face with Adam Savage (@tested) and @bobbyfingers - The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube

The video was shot by The Slow Mo Guys, who are known for shooting a lot of slow-motion footage. This time, they were asked by YouTuber Bobby Fingers, who recreates famous incidents in dioramas, to film the footage, and Fingers and Adam Savage , a science YouTuber who is friends with The Slow Mo Guys, made a friendly appearance.

This is the face of Mr. Lanzoni created by Mr. Fingers.

Savage fires a mock goose from a homemade air cannon.

Gab and Dan from The Slow Mo Guys were in charge of photography.

Adjust the position, increase the air pressure, and launch.

The gel goose hits the silicone Lanzoni doll.

The Lanzoni doll couldn't help but smile.

He increased the air pressure and this time it hit him directly on the side of his face.

My face contorts in shock.

After repeating the act several times, one man's eyeballs would pop out. The real Mr. Lanzoni was lucky to escape with only one stitch in his nose.

in Video, Posted by log1p_kr