What happens when you hit a bowling ball in the head at super high speed?

If you have ever played bowling, you must have felt the weight of a bowling ball. A YouTube channel specializing in slow motion videos, `

`The Slow Mo Guys, '' has released a video recording what would happen if you hit such a bowling ball on the head.

400 MPH Bowling Ball to the Dome with @howridiculous - The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube

In the image below, Mr. Gab of The Slow Mo Guys is lined up second from the left, and Mr. Dan is lined up third. On either side of the two are members of the experimental YouTube channel ' How Ridiculous .'

For this shoot, a cannon created by How Ridiculous will be used.

A bowling ball is fired from the cannon.

The target is a gel model that reproduces a human from the shoulders up. The gel is filled with green liquid instead of blood.

Shooting a bowling ball from a cannon.

Below is the result of a slow motion shot of the moment the bowling ball hits the head. First, the ball reaches his head.

The head collapses and liquid splatters in a circular pattern.

The momentum of the bowling ball does not decrease even after it hits the model, and the model falls apart.

In the end, the model was blown away without a trace.

Next, line up five models and hit them with a bowling ball.


The bowling ball reaches the first model.

It destroyed the first model and crashed into the second model.

The bowling ball then continues to advance and completely destroys all five models.

in Video, Posted by log1o_hf