What happens when you shoot gelatin with a 25mm rifle used for hunting large animals?

Massive 1 Inch WIDE bullet at 200,000 FPS - The Slow Mo Guys / @KentuckyBallistics - YouTube
The guests were Dan and Gab from The Slow Mo Guys, and Scott from Kentucky Ballistics .

Kentucky Ballistics is a YouTube channel that reviews numerous firearms, and a year ago it introduced the 4-bore rifle as the 'biggest rifle.'
To see how powerful the 4-bore rifle is, a comparison is being made with a rifle that uses a 7.8mm caliber .30-06 Springfield bullet for rifle shooting competitions. Here's what Dan's .30-06 rifle looks like.

On the other hand, with a 4-bore rifle, the barrel jumps up after firing.

The force of the smoke emitted from the gun, as seen in slow motion footage, is also completely different from that of the .30-06 rifle.

Scott decided to shoot the ballistic gel he had placed on his desk.
After the shot, the gelatin fell off the desk due to the impact. The bullet did not hit the desk directly, but the bullet left a mark.

A 25.4mm bullet passing through gelatin.

The three look back at the slow-motion footage.

The gelatin pierced by the 25.4mm bullet jumped up in shock, and the Slow Mo Guys looked shocked.

Check out this video from The Slow Mo Guys to see how the squishy gelatin behaves, and what other differences there are when shooting at a target with a .30-06 rifle versus a 4-bore rifle.

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in Video, Posted by logc_nt