Introducing 'Braindump', an AI game development environment that allows you to develop games simply by giving instructions in text, 3D model generation and coding are possible, no programming knowledge required

The initial test version of ' Braindump ', a tool that makes it easy to develop games using AI, has been released. With Braindump, you can perform all the tasks required for game development, from 3D models to coding, simply by entering text.

Building an AI game studio: what we've learned so far - Braindump Incorporated

Braindump is an AI game development environment that allows you to develop top-down 3DCG games. The Braindump screen looks like this.

You can see how Braindump generates a 3D model in the demo video below.

Specify the location where you want to generate a 3D model and then enter 'x-wing starfighter'.

Then, a 3D model that looks just like an X-wing starfighter from Star Wars was generated. This 3D model generation function was realized using the 3D model generation AI ' Meshy '.

After you generate the 3D model, you can adjust the prompts or add negative prompts.

The demo video also shows the generation of 'BB-8,' 'TIE Fighter,' and 'R2-D2' in a short amount of time.

Once you have prepared a 3D model, you can set the movement of the 3D model. Setting the movement does not require any coding or other work, just input a sentence that describes the movement. In the demo video below, you can see the process of setting the movement of a 3D model.

Select the starfighter on the screen and type 'Make the starfighter shoot lasers.'

That's all it takes to fire the laser.

In addition, specify the starfighter and BB-8 and input 'Allow the starfighter to drop the BB-8 bomb that tracks and destroys the enemy.'

As instructed, we were able to achieve the action of 'BB-8 appears in line with the starfighter's trajectory and tracks the enemy.'

To use Braindump, you will need to request participation in the initial testing at the link below.

braindump incorporated

in Software,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1o_hf