Summary of auroras seen in various countries including Japan, the United States, Italy, and Mexico due to the largest solar flare explosion

Solar activity, which has

a cycle of approximately 11 years , is reaching its maximum in 2024, with more solar wind emitted from the sun than usual, causing solar storms . As a result, auroras, which normally only occur in polar regions, are now being observed in relatively low latitude areas, including Japan.

CME impact imminent, Two more earth-directed CMEs |

A solar flare photographed by NASA's solar observation satellite, the Solar Dynamics Observatory, on May 10, 2024. This flare is classified as an X3.9 class flare, making it the largest solar flare ever observed.

The aurora is a phenomenon that occurs when plasma particles emitted from the sun collide with the upper atmosphere and emit light. Basically, they can only be seen in high latitude regions such as the Arctic and Antarctic, but due to the influence of a large solar flare, the aurora can now be observed in relatively low latitude regions as well.

Below is a time-lapse movie of the sky above Mount Grossglockner in Austria. You can clearly see how the sky is enveloped in red light.

Aurora over Grossglockner in Austria 2024-05-10 - YouTube



Tuscany, Italy

Tasmania, Australia

San Francisco, USA. The Golden Gate Bridge is pictured in the lower left.

A time-lapse video taken in Stuart, Virginia, USA.

05-11-2024 Stuart, Virginia - Aurora timelapse and Milky Way - YouTube

The Aurora Borealis photographed from an airplane flying over London, England.

A time-lapse photo of the Aurora Borealis over France.

Apparently the Aurora Borealis was spotted in Mexico too.

Aurora photographed in Horokanai Town, Hokkaido.

There have also been reports of the aurora being photographed in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.

in Science,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk