'Windrecorder' is an app that records and transcribes all PC operations and makes past operations searchable in their entirety

When using a PC, there are many times when you want to remember the operations you performed in the past or the information you viewed in the browser. An open source PC operation recording app called ' Windrecorder ' has been developed that may be useful in such situations.

GitHub - yuka-friends/Windrecorder: Windrecorder is a memory search app by recording everything on your screen in small size, to let you rewind what you have seen, query through OCR text or image description, and get activity statistics.


I made an open source app to rewind & search everything happened on your screen (on Windows)

Windows comes with a default file search function, and there are also apps that can search the contents of text files, document files, etc. However, these apps cannot search for things like 'the contents of a page viewed in a web browser' or 'subtitles included in a movie you played.'

Windrecorder is a PC operation recording app that records all PC operations, transcribes all text contained in the recorded data, and creates a database. It allows you to perform searches that were not possible with existing search apps. This allows you to find the web page or movie you are looking for in situations such as 'I remember only a few words of the content of a web page, but I have forgotten the title of the page,' or 'I remember only some of the subtitles in a movie, but I can't remember the original movie.' Windrecorder was developed based on the idea of the macOS app ' Rewind ,' which has a similar function, and a drama with a setting that 'you can record and play all your memories.'

The operation screen of Windrecorder looks like this. All processes such as screen recording, transcription, and database creation are performed locally, and data is not sent externally.

The file size of the recorded data is 2-100MB per hour, and the capacity varies greatly depending on the content displayed on the screen and how often it is changed. The recorded data per month is about 10GB-20GB, and the size of the database including the transcription data is about 160MB per month. In addition, the transcription system used for article creation is ' Windows.Media.Ocr.Cli ', and it is possible that the transcription system will be changed in the future to improve the transcription accuracy.

Windrecorder is developed as open source and is licensed under GPL v2.0 . The source code of Windrecorder can be found at the following link.

GitHub - yuka-friends/Windrecorder: Windrecorder is a memory search app by records everything on your screen in small size, to let you rewind what you have seen, query through OCR text or image description, and get activity statistics.

in Software, Posted by log1o_hf